View Profile Kflame

Age 35, Male


Glasgow High

Newark, DE

Joined on 8/3/06

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920 / 1,110
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Kflame's News

Posted by Kflame - June 11th, 2008

Well my first solo movie, DBZ ep.1 got accepted to Newgrounds last night and im already about to start with Ep.2. Im not quite sure what the title of the next one will be but im thinking of calling it, DBZ ep.2 The mysterious challengers...

Well the big point in the first one was the Trunks vs Hiel and the big match in the next one will probably be Piccolo vs "S" or the Vegeta vs Roro fight but ill let you decide tell which one you would rather have.. Thanks for getting my movie on ng.

Starting on episode 2...

Posted by Kflame - June 1st, 2008

Well If you dont already know my freind Glukom and I have just submitted a movie called One Day in DK land and i t didntget blammed.

Now I know most of my posts have been about SSBB this was a side project that only took about 20 minutes to make... I really didnt do all that much though cause all I really did was the voices but what the hell Im still a co-author and that counts for something right?........ right?.....

Posted by Kflame - May 14th, 2008

Now as you all know God is after my soul which isnt good cause he is destroying everything i have, mainly my computer so as i am writing this post from the library i have a few things I need to know, and please reason with me cause I am very desperate and in need of some info.....

First off does anyone know the program that Alvin-Earthworm and some other flash artists use that make some kick-ass effects, I've heard they use photoshop and if they do i would like to know how....

And I also need to know where people get all these cool sprite effects which im pretty sure are from Street Fighter and the Marvel vs. series, if you dont know what im talking about than watch Super Smash Bros ST 5 and it is the effects he uses for the getting hit effect and the power up effect and also any Alvin Earthworm movie...

Peace Out.....

Any Info?

Posted by Kflame - May 6th, 2008

Sorry for the 5 people who have been waiting for my movie cause there is going to be a slight delay, my schedule is split between 4 different things and its split like this:

Grand Theft Auto 4 - 25%
School/homework - 55%
Flash - 15%
Social life - 5% (very sad)

So this is basically how much of what i do each day and Im mainly busy with so i have no idea when i can get the preview out but ill try my best, oh and if you are wondering i am about 45-50% finished with the preview so have hope in me and it will get out out hopefully in about 1-2 months....

Posted by Kflame - April 19th, 2008

Well my smash bros prevew is going good but i do need something..... Peaches castle....
If anyone knows where i can find some castle sprites (custom preferably) like from the game Super Smash Flash please tell me where you found it or just give me a link. thanks =D

Posted by Kflame - April 13th, 2008

Im workin on a smash bros series, but does anyone really care?